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A Charitable Trust Registered with Charity commission # 1154903




Cardiac Rehab Support West Sussex, CRSWS for short, is a registered Charitable Trust formed from local ex-cardiac patients to provide ongoing support for cardiac patients and their carers.
Welcome to our website which is currently a 'work in progress'; it will grow over time to be a great source for information to support our work in the West Sussex area. Please follow us on Facebook by using the link at the bottom of the page.
Over the next couple of pages we will explain who we are and how we link with the local NHS Cardiac Rehab team.
To be kept up to date with CRSWS simply sign up to our newsletter below.
We will keep your details securely and for our sole use. Please click the button below to read our privacy statement.
For more information about your local NHS Cardiac Rehab Team and the service they provide, please use the link below.
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