A Charitable Trust Registered with Charity commission # 1154903

If you have a project that CRSWS could help with, by making a financial grant, then please read the '6 Step Process to Funding' and make use of the extensive documentation below. If you have any questions then please contact us.
Guidance for Completing a Grant Application (PDF)
If your application is for a grant of less than £500 then use this form;
Grant Application (under £500) (Word)
Grant Application (under £500) (PDF)
For Education / Conference Grants then use the below form only please.
Grant Application Education / Conference (Word)
Grant Application Education / Conference (PDF)
To view PDF documents you need to have the Adobe Reader installed.
CRSWS Trustees meet on the second Monday in April, July, October and January for the purpose of considering requests for assistance, deciding which of such requests meet agreed criteria and granting assistance in approved cases.
The 6 Step Process to Funding!
1. Read the website and guidance documents
The information on the website and the guidance documents will help you understand firstly if a CRSWS Grant is right for you and secondly how to write the best application for your project.
2. Complete the application form
Send in your application at least three months before your project is due to start. The form is obtainable online either as a PDF or Word document. You can download and save your preferred version, work on it and return it to us when completed with all appropriate supporting documents by any of the following deadlines: midday on 25 March , 24 June, 24 September or 25 December.
3. We check your application and supporting documents
Once you’ve sent us your application we will check it is complete and that you have sent in all the supporting documents we need. If anything is missing or if we need further information we may contact you within 10 working days and give you a further 5 working days to get the information to us.
We then assess your application. These two steps combined can take several weeks from the date your application is received by us.. During this period we may need to contact you about your application and we would typically do this by email.
4. We tell you our decision
After the assessment is complete we will tell you our decision in writing. If you are successful you will receive an award letter which will explain the terms of the grant and include forms for you to return to accept the terms and for us to arrange payment. You have one month to return these forms. If you are unsuccessful we will write to you to tell you why.
5. Start your project
Once you receive an award you can start your project.
6. Finishing your project
You have a maximum of 12 months from the date of the offer letter to complete your project. You will be asked to complete an end-of-project report telling us how you have spent the grant and what it has achieved. We may ask some projects to provide evidence of how the grant was spent. It is important always to keep original receipts and invoices.